Challenge Records Int. Logo
"The only truth is music." - Jack Kerouac

Jerome Kern

Featured on

Dream sequence
Juraj Stanik Trio
Standard - No Standard
Joost Zoeteman | Bart Tarenskeen | Wim de Vries
A Tribute To The Clarke - Boland Big Band (vinyl)
More Sounds of a Dry Martini
Brent Jensen
A Tribute To The Clarke - Boland Big Band
Various composers
Huijnen & Hopman
Various composers
September Songs
Thomas Allen
A New Episode In Life Pt. II
Jasper Somsen Trio
125 Jaar Mastreechter Staar
Mastreechter Staar / Chantal Janzen
Various composers
You'd Be Surprised: Songs of Love and Laughter
Barbara Kennedy / Peter Lockwood